Clubs & Extra Curricular Activities
Breakfast Club runs every morning from 7.15am-8.30am. A selection of food is served and activities are led by staff. Places can be booked via Arbor.
Grasshoppers (after school provision) runs from 3.10pm-6pm and includes a snack and a range of activities. Parents can book a part or full session via Arbor.
Extra-curricular activities are organised during lunchtimes and after school by school staff and external companies. Clubs include activities such as:
- Art
- Choir
- Football
- Gardening
- Gymnastics
- Maths
- Multi-skills
- Netball
- Recorder
- Street Dance
- Tennis
- Tag Rugby
The current termly timetable of clubs at Tatsfield is below. This also includes information on how to book places for each session.